石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2092&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁473-474&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁181-182&* 張翀字子羽,號圖南,江寧人(一作江都人)。生平不詳,流傳畫蹟最早有隆慶四年(西元一五七0)者,工于人物,作風有兩類:或追摹古法,筆力疎秀,兼以傅采鮮嬌,生動超逸;或仿吳偉,筆墨豪邁,著色古雅。亦善山水、雜畫。 此幅青綠設色畫巖梅初放,二人據閣中倚欄觀賞,一童子頁琹提書篋從步道來。筆墨沉穩,設色古雅,有己卯(崇禎十二年,一六三九)款。 &* Chang Ch’ung was a native of Chiang-ning. He was well-known for his figure paintings, of which he painted in two different styles. The first was in the mode of the ancients, with refined brushwork and delicate colors. The other followed the Ming painter Wu Wei, bold and untramelled. In this blue and green landscape painting, plum trees by a cliff are in blossom. Two people stand on the terrace of a pavilion and look in admiration while a young servant arrives with a ch’in lute and scrolls. The brushwork is settled and the colors elegant. The painting is dated 1639.