故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁437-438&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁143-144&*趙左(活動於西元一六00-一六三0年),江蘇華亭人。字文度。善畫山水,受業於宋旭,其畫宗董源,兼有倪黃之意。與董其昌為翰墨友,畫史謂流傳董蹟,頗有出於趙左者,是明末松江派的主要人物。 本幅畫林下書屋,一人獨坐其中,遠處雲靄掩翳山巒。此幀構圖簡明,江天一片留白,著墨不多,以淡柔雅逸取勝。款署:「秋林書屋圖,己未(一六一九)夏五月寫。趙左。」&* Chao Tso, a native of Kiangsu province, excelled at landscape painting. He studied painting under Sung Hsü and followed the style of Tung Yüan with a touch of those of Ni Tsan and Huang Kung-wang. A member of Tung Ch’i-ch’ang’s literary circle, painting histories claim that some of Tung’s works actually were by Chao. He was a major figure of the Sungkiang School in the late Ming. This work shows a figure sitting alone in a studio beneath trees. In the distance are mists enveloping the hills. The composition is quite straightforward with the area of the river and sky left blank. Despite the spare use of ink, Chao Tso succeeded at conveying an otherworldly elegance. It is dated by the artist to the summer of 1619.