石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2095&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁97&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十三冊,頁218-221&* 邵彌(西元一六二六-一六六二年前後)。字僧彌。長洲人。工詩。書法學虞世南、褚遂良。又善於畫山水。效法宋元諸家。因此顯得格高筆秀。他比較喜愛畫小幅作品。這幅畫低垂的松樹下。一雅士靜坐遙望秋山。筆墨清淡。給人一種遺世獨立的寂寥感覺。&*Shan Mi (active ca. 1626-1662) Ming Dynasty Shao Mi (tzu Seng-mi) came from Suchou in Kiangsu. He was known for poetry as well as calligraphy, which was based on the styles of Yu Shih-nan and Chu Sui-liang. His landscape paintings reveal a study of the Sung and Yuan masters, and are therefore characterized by lofty, elegant brushwork and a preference for small, intimate compositions. Beneath the hanging branches of a pine tree, a scholar sits peacefully, gazing deep into the autumn mountains. The use of brush and ink is pure and bland, conveying the feeling of a solitary and slightly lonely withdrawal from the world.