故宮書畫錄(卷七),第四冊,頁32-33 &*Emperor T’ai-tsu (reigned 1368-1398) was the founder of the Ming dynasty. He came from Hao-chou, and originally his name was Chu Yüan-chang, his style name Kuo-tuan. He was of distinguished appearance and martial spirit, but because he was orphaned as a child he entered the Huang-chüeh Temple as a monk. At the end of the Yüan dynasty military leaders arose in many different areas. One of these, Kuo Tzu-hsing, seized Hao, and Chu Yüan-chang joined him. He proved militarily invincible, and these forces eventually became his own. On Kuo Tzu-hsing’s death Chu Yuan-chang was proclaimed Duke of Wu, and later King of Wu. He then proceeded to destroy Ch’en Yu-liang and Chang Shih-ch’eng. After this he captured Peking, thus extinguis hing the Yüan dynasty and making himself ruler of China. In this way he rose from commoner to emperor. His reign period was Hung-wu. &*明太祖(西元一三六八至一三九八年在位)明開國之帝。姓朱,名元璋,字國瑞。濠州人。貌奇偉,有雄才。幼孤,為皇覺寺僧。元末,群雄並起,郭子興據濠,往投之;所戰輒勝,留為親兵。郭子興卒,諸將奉為吳國公,旋稱吳王。滅陳友諒、張士誠。移師而北,克燕京,代元而有天下,以布衣而成帝業。年號洪武。&*1.本社,〈院藏明太祖朱元璋畫像〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第54期(1987年9月),頁116-119。