石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1948&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁50-51&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁298-303&* 陳淳少年作畫學元人,中歲以後傾心米芾、高克恭,畫山水淋漓疏爽,不落蹊徑。亦曾遊學文徵明門,然徵明僅謙稱是他的舉業師,而不敢以書畫師自居。此冊畫成於一五四○年,為陳淳五十八歲時的作品。前副葉之「漫興」二字,表達其追求平淡天真的意境。冊中各幅山水綜合各家之長,筆法奔放簡練,抒發了閒適幽淡的文人生活情趣。此種水墨寫意的山水畫,在當時文人畫中亦具新意。(20100105)&* Chen Chun in his youth studied the painting of Yuan masters, but after his middle years turned to the styles of Mi Fu and Gao Kegong, painting landscapes with directness and wet ink in his own manner. He also studied under the master Wen Zhengming, who humbly called himself Chen’s “elementary” teacher, admiring his skill in painting and calligraphy. This album was done in 1540 at the Chinese age of 58. The frontispiece of 2 characters, “Flowing [with] feeling,” expresses Chen’s pursuit of simplicity. The landscapes combine the virtues of various masters. The brushwork is unbridled and succinct, revealing a light and leisurely aspect of literati life. This type of “sketching ideas” landscape in ink was an innovation in literati painting then.(20100105)