石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第三冊,頁1383&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁43&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁173-174&*煙水寒汀,雁鳥一縮頸瞑目,狀似睡眠,兩隻引首顧側,若守望警戒。岸旁惟見三五蘆葦,情景蕭瑟,撩人寒思。 黃居寀(西元九三三—九九三年以後),四川成都人,字伯鸞。為五代西蜀名畫家黃筌的第三子,承襲家學,善畫園竹翎毛、怪石及山水。他本任職蜀國,蜀亡入宋,尤得宋太宗禮遇,命他搜訪名畫,評定品目,黃家的畫法遂成為宋初圖畫院較藝優劣的標準。&*This work depicts a river against a misty backdrop as water laps against a wintry bank. Three geese are on the bank; one draws in its neck with eyes closed as the other two look around as if on guard. Several stalks of reeds grow behind them. The somber tone conveys the lonely cold of winter. Huang Chü-ts'ai , a native of Ch'eng-tu in Szechwan, was the third son of Huang Chüan , the famous painter of bamboo and animals, decorative rocks, and landscapes. After the Five Dynasties state of Shu fell, he joined the Sung. Rewarded by Emperor T'ai-tsung, he was ordered to search for famous paintings and to serve as court connoisseur. The Huang Chüan style thus became the standard for quality in the early Sung painting academy.&*煙水寒汀,沙岸棲雁三隻,一縮項瞑目狀似憩息,二引首顧側,若守望警戒。岸旁惟見蘆葦三五,情景蕭瑟,撩人寒思。本幅中雁之造型、用筆及蘆雁之筆法,有明中葉著名的宮廷花鳥畫家呂紀(活動於一四三九─一五0五)之意。然皴石未見其常用之斧劈皴法,畫雁之筆平整,又蘆葦與石之線條較有起伏提頓,尤以水紋最為明顯,故或為後之仿呂氏者所作。 舊標為黃居寀之作。黃居寀(西元九三三─九九三年以後),四川成都人,字伯鸞。為黃筌(約九0三─九六五)季子,能傳家學。始與父同事孟蜀(九三四─九六五),為翰林待詔,蜀亡入宋,得太宗睠遇,委以搜訪名畫,詮定品目之責。黃筌、居寀父子之畫遂成為宋初畫院較藝優劣之標準。