石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁1984-1987&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁36&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁184-189&* 沈周(西元一四二七至一五○九年),江蘇長洲人。字啟南,號石田,亦稱白石翁。乃明初處士沈恆吉之子,幼承家學,詩文書畫俱佳,繼而從陳寬、趙同魯學,筆墨益為高妙,並有出藍之譽。畫風於四十歲後,漸趨寫意,雖草草點綴,而饒有畫外之趣。 此幀選自沈周「寫生」冊第十四開,以末幅款繫弘治甲寅(西元一四九四年),故知為六十八歲所作。幅中繪鴨蹲踞地面,全畫純假水墨點厾,於粗筆淡瀋間,傾盡墨禽之奕奕神采,的屬白石翁晚年神化之筆。 &*Duck Shen Chou (1427-1509) Ming Dynasty Shen Chou, style name Ch’i-nan, sobriquets Shih-t’ien and Pai-shih-weng, was a native of Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu. The son of the scholar-artist, Shen Heng-ch’i (1409-1477), he painted in the family style. He also studied with the artists Ch’en Kuan (dates unknown) and Chao T’ung-lu, and his graceful brush technique eventually surpassed that of his teachers. After the age of forty, he adopted a freer notion of resemblance, an evocative ideal of likeness that suggested much more than the image itself stated. Shen Chou used monochrome ink applied in pale washes and coarse brushstrokes to depict the squat figure of a duck. Even using such abbreviated brushwork, he still succeeded in communicating the bird’s character. The inkwork is characteristic of his later works. This small work, which is the fourteenth leaf of the album Sketches from Nature, was painted in 1494, when the artist was about sixty-seven years old. &*1.譚怡令,〈明沈周畫鴨〉,收入譚怡令編,《畫?珍禽》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年十月初版),頁96。