秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁76 &故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁88-89 &故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁105-106&尊者背坐石壁,袒右肩,跣足。蠻王持獻寶盆。款同前。有「內府書畫」「皇姊圖書」印。按「內府書畫印」凡六見:一見於唐盧楞伽十八羅漢冊(見喜龍仁中國畫第三冊圖八九下),一見於北宋趙令穰橙黃橘綠冊(見本書圖七○);一見於宋高宗書紈扇(為趙令穰橙黃橘綠冊對幅,未印);另三印即見於此三幅羅漢像中。盧楞伽羅漢冊,「內府書書」印鈐於左上角,「皇姊圖書」印鈐於右上角;趙令穰畫及宋高宗書,因係圓幅,「內府書畫」印皆鈐於正中上方。亦無「皇姊圖書」印。此三幅羅漢像,「內府書畫」印,皆鈐於左上方。而「皇姊圖書」印,第一幅鈐於左上方,在「內府書畫」印之下;第二、三兩幅,則鈐於右上方。據此,則知「內府書畫」印,鈐蓋有定位,而「皇姊圖書」印無定位。亦即證知「內府書畫」印在「皇姊圖書」印之前。故「內府書畫」印在時間上之上限為開禧丁卯(一二○七),下限為元貞乙未(一二九五),極可能為宋寧宗收藏印。&The lohan sits with his back to a rock. His right shoulder is bare, and he has removed his shoes. A barbarian King offers him a dish of flaming jewels. The signature is identical to that on the first scroll. All three scrolls bear the seals “Nei Fu Shu Hua” and “Huang Chieh T'u Shu”. The seal “Nei Fu Shu Hua” appears on six paintings: “Eighteen Lohans” by Lu Leng-chia of the T'ang (see Hsi Lung-jen, Chung-kuo hua, Vo1. Ⅱ, pl. 89b), “Orange Groves in Bloom” by Chao Ling-jang of the Northern Sung (see No. 70), a round fan of calligraphy by the Sung emperor Kao-tsung(the facing leaf to Chao Ling-jang's painting; unpublished), and the three paintings by Liu Sung-nien now under discussion. In the Lu Leng-chia album the “Nei Fu Shu Hua” seal is placed at the upper left corner and “Hung Chieh T'u Shu” appear in the upper right corner. Chao Ling-jang's painting and Sung Kao-tsung's calligraphy are both round fans, and the “Nei Fu Shu Hua” seal appears at the top center on both. Neither bears the “Huang Chieh T'u Shu” seal. In all three of the Liu Sung-nien paintings. “Nei Fu Shu Hua” is at the upper left. “Huang Chieh T'u Shu” is at the upper left under “Nei Fu Shu Hua” in the first scroll and at the upper right on the second and third scrolls. From this we can conclude that “Nei Fu Shu Hua” always appears in the same position on the painting, whereas the position of “Huang Chieh T'u Shu” is variable. We can also assume that “Nei Fu Shu Hua” is earlier than “Hunag Chieh T'u Shu”. Therefore, the “Nei Fu Shu Hua” seal must have been affixed to Liu Sung-nien's paintings between 1207(the date of execution) and 1295 (the date of the “Huang Chieh T'u Shu” seal; cf. No. 74), and it is very possibly a seal of Ning-tsung(r.1194-1224).