石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第四冊,頁1867 &*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁131&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十四冊,頁119-120&*賀清泰(西元一七三五-一八一五年),法國人。乾隆三十五年(一七七○)至中國,以耶穌會修道士入直,供奉內廷。工畫翎毛,畫風近郎世寧。 架上縧鞲白鷹,鐵喙鈎爪,羽毛潔白,神情威猛,深得寫生之妙。 &*White Falcon Louis de Poirot (Ho Ch'ing-t'ai, 1735-1815) Ch'ing Dynasty Louis de Poirot was a Frenchman who came to China with the Jesuit Mission in 1770 and was given the Chinese name Ho Ch'ing-t'ai. He was a painter-in-attendance at the Ch'ien-lung court and was a skilled painter of birds and animals in a style close to that of Castiglione. The falcon, with its steely beak, grasping claws, and snow white plumage, is tethered on a stand. Its ferocious spirit has been wonderfully captured in this realistic portrait.