石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1761&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁30-32&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十二冊,頁166-171&*孫龍(十五世紀前半),一作孫隆,字廷振,號都痴。江蘇武進人。宣德間入值內廷,兼擅翎毛、花卉、山水。其山水宗二米,花鳥草蟲則多以彩墨渲染,能融合徐熙落墨花與趙昌沒骨法而有所發展,對後世潑彩寫意畫深具影響。 本冊繪禽蟲、花果、煙雲等,共十二開。因畫絹塗有膠礬,故筆雖濕而色不暈散,極得墨瀋淋漓的鮮活趣味。裱綾及對幅題記,分別為清仁宗、姚公綬所書。 本幅為寫生冊第一開,畫朱連雀棲息桑枝。因畫絹塗有膠礬,故筆雖濕而色不暈散,頗得墨瀋淋漓的趣味。右方裱綾,有清仁宗楷書御題:「柔桑集好鳥,力作正敷菑,戴勝占風至。田家三月時。」。對幅另有姚公綬題跋:「桑間降戴勝,東作在東菑;吾人不惰事,此鳥亦知時。逸史。」&* 孫龍(活動於西元十五世紀),武進(江蘇常州)人。字從吉,又字廷振,號都癡。宣德(西元一四二六至一四三五年)間入值內廷,官至侍御,後知新安府。生而穎敏,擅翎毛山水,畫花鳥草蟲,全以彩色渲染,得徐崇嗣、趙昌沒骨圖法,而自成一家,極其傳神而富生趣。 本幅畫朱連雀棲於桑枝上。質地為絹,刷有膠礬,吸水性弱,筆端過處,但覺墨瀋淋漓猶在。用筆亦快速,樹枝之屈折,桑葉之飄動,顯示筆觸之節奏,尤為動人。 本幅為孫龍「寫生」冊第一開。 &*Waxwing on a Serpentine Mulberry Branch Sun Lung (fl. 15th c.) Ming Dynasty Sun Lung, also known as Sun T’ing-chen, style name Ts’ung-chi, sobriquet Tu-ch’ih, was a native of Wu-chin (modern Ch’ang-chou, Kiangsu). During the Hsüan-te reign period (1426-1435), he entered the Inner Court, where he served as a censor. He later attained the rank of prefect of Hsin-an. Sun painted using the boneless method, made famous in the early Sung (960-1279) by the artists Hsü Ch’ung-ssu and Chao-ch’ang. He worked primarily in tinted washes, and with his spare handling of color, he was able to convey his subjects’ spirit. Creating his own unique style, he excelled at painting landscapes, birds, flowers, plants and insects. This depiction of a waxwing on a mulberry branch is the first leaf of Sun’s album Sketches from Nature. The silk base of this work has been treated with a sizing that renders it relatively unabsorbent. Thus, the ink still appears moist and fresh on the surface of the painting. With swift lashes of ink, Sun modelled the twisting branch and delicately floating foliage, leaving behind tangible traces of the rhythm of the brush. &*1.譚怡令,〈明孫龍柔桑戴勝〉,收入譚怡令編,《畫裡珍禽》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年十月初版),頁91。