石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁790&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁128&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十三冊,頁435-436&*張廷彥(約活動於1744-1771)江蘇揚州人, 張震、張為邦、張廷彥為供奉於康熙、雍正、乾隆朝子孫三代宮廷畫家。 張廷彥約在乾隆九年(1744)入宮, 善畫界畫樓閣、人物, 曾參與許多節令慶典大畫製作, 如「萬國來朝圖」、「清明上河圖、「乾隆帝行樂圖」等。 烏什位於新疆阿克蘇及喀什噶爾之間, 依山築城, 有險可恃, 田饒水足, 物富民豐, 為回部重地。 此圖描繪乾隆三十年(1765)維吾爾族烏什首領小伯克賴黑木圖拉聚眾叛, 清廷派兵圍攻, 兩軍展開激戰, 並攻陷回軍的歷史紀實畫。 此張戰圖可以看到野戰、攻城、攻碉堡的畫面。 清步兵及炮隊圍住土城, 敵軍駐守城內, 清軍或攀梯, 或騎馬破城而入。 畫面左部敵軍自城牆缺口處突圍, 清軍騎兵以弓箭、火槍追擊。 近景為清軍宿營的帳篷, 樹叢間有托運的牛馬、駱駝。 清軍的武器以弓箭、刀矛、長槍為主, 戰鬥中憑藉著靈活的戰略,以及威力強勁的騎射放槍與衝擊戰術取勝。 整幅畫面寬廣開闊, 採全景式構圖, 運用遠近焦點透視法, 人物情節繁多, 但皆能刻劃入微。 (林莉娜)&* 張廷彥(一七三五-一七九四)乾隆朝供奉內廷。工人物。 烏什今新疆阿克蘇和喀什噶爾之間,為回部適中之地。依山築城,有險可恃,田饒水足,物阜民豐。乾隆乙酉(一七六五)二月,小伯克賴黑木圖拉聚眾叛,清廷派軍圍攻六月,亂事始平。本幅描繪清兵攻城,兩軍交鋒的情形。布局森然,筆法精緻,故雖千軍萬馬而不顯紊亂。 &*Quelling the Rebels at Wu-shen Chang T’ing-yen (1735-1794) Ch’ing dynasty Active in the court of the Ch’ien-lung emperor, Chang T’ing-yen was a skilled figure painter. Wu-shen, in present day Hsin-chiang province between A-K’o-su and Ka-shen-kor, was an area of central importance to the Hui tribe. The city, set at the foot of a hill, was surrounded by a wall and was thus easily defensible. Further, rich soil and water were abundant. Hence, the Hui people were wealthy. In the 2nd lunar month of 1765, Hsiao-po-k’o-lai and Hei-mu-tu-la raised an army to attack the Ch’ing empire. As a consequence, the Ch’ing army surrounded Wu-shen for six months and the armies were in stalemate. This painting describes the attack of the Ch’ing army and the circumstances of the battle. Rigidly composed, the brushwork is clear and precise. Thus, although there are thousands of troops and horses the painting does not appear confused. &*1.林莉娜,〈張廷彥畫平定烏什戰圖〉,收入馮明珠主編,《乾隆皇帝的文化事業》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2002年初版一刷),頁137。