石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1155&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁138&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁71&*1.劉芳如,〈宋人宮沼納涼圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《仕女畫之美》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年四月初版),頁81。 2.朱惠良,〈宋人宮沼納涼圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第4期(1983年7月),封底。 &*園池中蓮花盛開,岸邊垂柳成蔭。一仕女面容圓潤,神情自如閒坐榻上,侍者持扇在後,扇中以鳳為飾,意指其身分或為后妃。另一矮桌上放置盛有冰塊、仙桃、執壺、瓶之果盤,表現出炎夏悠閒消暑之趣。蓮花設色明麗,或含苞或花開蓮現,極有玉潔冰潤,超然物外的韻味。床榻上置有畫四軸,背靠著一張圓腿橫棖炕桌,但又像几案。床榻髹朱漆,上覆錦墊,前後護板上鏤以壺門式輪廓,如意腿足形寬大下帶扥泥,誇張變形,較似明代風格。&*In this painting, a court lady and her servants are enjoying the cool air by a garden pond, where drooping willows shade the mantle of blossoming lotuses. The opulent palace lady sits leisurely on the platform. A servant behind her holds a large round fan decorated with phoenixes, suggesting that she may be an empress or concubine. The ice cubes, peaches, pot, and bottle placed in the large tureen on the short table suggest that the summer heat is being whiled away in leisure. The color of the lotus blossoms is bright and beautiful, and the representation of buds and petals create a sense of utmost purity and coolness that extends beyond the objects themselves. Placed on the platform to the lady's left are four rolled-up scrolls. She is leaning against a long table with short, round legs and horizontal braces, which may have been designed for placement on platforms. The rectangular platform is lacquered red, and the top is a mat with brocaded borders. Below the upper panels are carved cusped openings defined by scepter-shaped legs resting on the large ground stretcher. The exaggerated features of this piece are close in style to that of Ming (1368-1644) furniture.