石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),頁977&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁147&*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁109&*1.林柏亭、張華芝,〈宋人洗馬圖〉,收入林柏亭、張華芝編,《畫馬名品特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1990年元月初版),頁90-91。 &*本幅石臺臨池,圉童以刷整理馬毛,黑色駿馬雄健肥壯,畫筆極細勁,鞍韉等物描繪極精。柳樹下人物朱袍腰配玉帶,由其服飾來看,應是皇室成員。所坐之大圓凳,三彎腿下有圓型扥泥座,造型非常精緻。旁有錦衣衛隨侍,手持斧鉞,以木為之,是明代鹵簿儀杖常見器用之一。畫幅上有元代趙孟頫款印,應為後人所偽託。&*This work represents a stone-rimmed terrace as a boy grooms the hair of a black horse. The brushwork is quite fine fine and taut, and the details were finely rendered. Sitting in the shade of a tree is a man dressed in red with a jade-studded belt, which indicates he is a member of the imperial clan. He sits on a large round stool with curved legs and connecting brackets below to create an exquisite form. The servant at his side holds a wood handle axe, which was a symbol of regalia in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). In the upper left corner is a forged signature of the famous Yuan dynasty painter of horses, Chao Meng-fu (1254-1322).