石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1155 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁156-157 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第三冊,頁151&*1.王耀庭,〈傳宋人竹石鳩子圖〉,收入王耀庭主編,《傳移模寫》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2007年初版),頁92。 2.譚怡令,〈宋人竹石鳩子圖〉,收入譚怡令編,《畫?珍禽》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年十月初版),頁86-87。 &*坡石上茅葉荊棘小竹叢生。霜後郊原,半歸枯搞。斑鳩五隻,飛者如聞鼓翼之聲,行者則神態安閒,怡然自得。通幅筆墨,勁挺中甚為樸質,大率宋人花鳥畫,法度精嚴,形似逼肖,筆墨工整中,不失天機物趣,由此畫足見一斑。&*A flock of doves has settled on a rocky slope overgrown with brambles, wild grasses, and bamboo. The first frost has already fallen on the plain, and the vegetation is beginning to wither and die. Two doves are flying, several of their companions strut contentedly along on the ground. The ink work of this large scroll conveys at once a sense of unbending strength and gentle simplicity. In general, when painting bird-flower paintings, Sung artists adhered to strict formal standards in order to achieve lifelike effects. Their carefully precise brushwork still managed to convey the natural qualities of their subjects. This scroll is but one example of this type of painting.&*坡石上茅葉、荊棘、小竹叢生。霜後郊原,半歸枯槁。斑鳩五隻,飛者如聞鼓翼之聲,行者則神態安閒,怡然自得。通幅筆墨,勁挺中甚為樸質。作者注重寫生,不但仔細描寫鳥羽層層疊覆的變化,同時斑鳩的神情與動態,也都描繪得栩栩如生。大率宋人花鳥畫,法度精嚴,形似逼肖,筆墨工整中,不失天機物趣,由此畫足見一斑。(20110913)&*A flock of doves has settled on a rocky slope overgrown with brambles, leafy grasses, and small bamboo. After a frost has fallen on the plain, the vegetation is beginning to wither. Of the five doves, it is almost as if the sounds of those flapping their wings in flight can be heard as their companions strut contentedly and at ease along the ground. The use of brush and ink throughout this scroll conveys at once a sense of unyielding strength and utmost simplicity. In general, the artist focused on sketching from life, not only carefully rendering the variations to the overlapping feathers, but also conveying the spirit and movement of the doves, which are all rendered true to life. Song artists generally adhered to strict methods in bird-and-flower painting, achieving uncanny resemblance in terms of form. The careful and neat use of brush and ink also does not lack an understanding to the nature of things, a glimpse of which is seen in this painting.(20110913)