The Classic of Filial PietyCh’iu Ying (ca. 1494-1552)Ming Dynasty There are two handscroll representations of this theme by Ch’iu Ying. Both combine painting and calligraphy. One is dated to 1531, and the other is this scroll. Composed of 18 sections, it follows the pattern established by Wang Tuan in the Northern Sung (960-1126) with one section for each chapter of the text. Though the figures are very small, the clear and forceful lines convey their spirit. The brushwork for the architecture and utensils is also controlled. Below each illustration is a transcription of the relevant passage by Wen Cheng-ming (1470-1559) in small regular script. Though unsigned, the colophon by Wen Cheng-ming is dated to 1546, indicating this was probably finished a year or two earlier at around 1544.