石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁779&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁240-241&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十冊,頁3-8&* 項聖謨(西元一五九七─一六五八年),浙江嘉興人。他的祖父項元汴是大收藏家,所以早年得受書畫陶染,一生未應科舉,隱於家鄉,專心繪事。入清後,家業衰落,以賣畫維生。 項聖謨愛好隱逸生活,經常以隱居為畫題,歌頌田園樸素生活的情景。現今所見有三卷招隱圖,這幅應是第二卷,所以名為後招隱圖。全畫布局及筆墨都很精整,應是中年時期的用意之作。 &* Hsiang Sheng-mo was the grandson of the great connoisseur Hsiang Yüan-pien. Growing up around a collection of painting and calligraphy, he did not take part in the civil service exams, but instead lived in reclusion at home and focused on his painting. After the fall of the Ming, the family business declined and he sold paintings for a living. Hsiang was found of the hermitic lifestyle, often taking the subject of reclusion and the hermit for his painting as he sung the praises of simple, rustic life. Presently, there are three paintings of Invitation to Hermitic Life, with this probably being the second (hence the Roman numeral to distinguish it). The carefully structured composition and brushwork make this one of the best works of his middle years.