石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁622&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁233&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁333-336&*張復,生於嘉靖二十五〈西元一五四六〉年,卒年不詳,約活動於明隆慶、萬曆(一五六七-一六二○)年間。字元春,號苓石,江蘇太倉人。早年山水以沈周為宗,後稍變已意,自成一家。 岸邊坡陀處,旅客沿著山徑前行,遠處舟子飄蕩於秋水長天之間,畫風承襲吳派筆墨意趣和明麗雅緻的色調,雖精謹不及仇英,天真爛漫時有過之,人物亦屬工致。此卷畫成於萬曆辛丑(一六○一)年。(20110405)&*Zhang Fu (style name Yuanchun, sobriquet Lingshi), a native of Taicang in Jiangsu, was active around the Longqing (1567-1572) and Wanli (1573-1620) reigns. His early landscapes followed those of Shen Zhou, but later he developed his own style. On the slopes of a bank are travelers making their way along a mountain path, and in the distance is a boating scene on expansive waters in autumn. The style follows in the brush manner as well as bright and refined colors of the Wu School. Although not as elegant as Qiu Ying’s manner, it is more innocent and artless, the figures also being well done. This handscroll is dated to the equivalent of 1601.(20110405)&*張復、嘉靖25年(1546)生まれ、没年不詳。明代隆慶年間(1567-1572)から万歴年間(1573-1620)に活動した。字は元春、号は苓石、江蘇太倉の人。早年は沈周に学んだが、後に独自の画風に変わり一派をなした。 なだらかな岸辺に目をやると山道に沿って進む旅人がいる。遠方には果てしなく広がる空と川の流れの間に漂う船が見える。画風は呉派の趣と美しく雅趣に富んだ色調を踏襲している。仇英の細やかさには及ばないが、明るく飾り気のない雰囲気は時に仇英を超え、人物も丁寧に描かれている。万暦辛丑(1601)の作。(20110405)