石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1972&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁208&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十九冊,頁207-210&*王問(西元一四九七-一五七六年)字子裕,江蘇無錫人。明代中期文人畫家。 此卷畫於嘉靖三十七年(一五五八),純以線條作畫,左面主人於竹罏前,聚精會神地挾炭烹茶,罏上置提梁茶壺;對面文士展卷揮毫,狀至愉悅。席上備有筆、硯、香爐、書卷等。整體呈現文人相聚,論書品茗,彌漫書香、茶香的清雅悠閒生活,這是晚明茶畫上常見的題材之一。 &* Wang Wen, a native of Wu-hsi in kiangsu Province, was a scholar painter of the middle Ming. This handscroll, dated to 1558, was painted in monochrome ink. The host on the right is in front of a stove within a bamboo stand. He concentrates on arranging the charcoals to brew tea. On top is a handled teapot, and water jugs are next to him. The other scholar joyfully holds a brush by a handscroll opened in front of him. On the mat are brushes, an inkstone, an incense burner, and books and scrolls. They reveal a complete literary gathering in which tea complements scholarly activities. The essence of learning and tea waft through this elegant scene, embellishing the elegant and leisurely lifestyle. This was a common subject in late Ming works on tea.