石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁599&*故宮書畫錄(卷四),第二冊,頁167&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十八冊,頁261-268&*1.江兆申,〈唐寅溪山漁隱 卷〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《吳派畫九十年展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),頁305。 2.李霖燦,〈溪山漁隱圖及其他 — 禪意、畫意、詩意〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第18期(1984年9月),頁54-59 。 3.李霖燦,〈山水畫中點景人物的斷代研究〉,《故宮季刊》,第十三卷第二期(1978年冬),頁25-40。 4.李霖燦,〈故宮博物院的名畫寶藏(下)〉,《故宮季刊》,第十四卷第一期(1979年秋),頁77-92。 &* 唐寅(西元一四七○-一五二三年),吳人(今江蘇蘇州)。字子畏,一字伯虎,號六如。賦性疏朗,狂逸不羈。弘治戊午舉南京解元,畫師周臣而遠過之。為明四大家之一。 此卷作江干巖岸。雜林疏朗,漁舍水榭座落丹楓岸石掩映間。水面舟艇容與,舟上漁人或垂綸放釣,或橫笛濯足,或拍掌擊節和歌。屋內則促膝對酌,或憑欄觀釣,或策杖閒步。通幅以中鋒濕筆斧劈斫趯,用筆勁利,設色明艷,清雅幽麗,神采逼人。 &*T’ang Yin (style names Tzu-wei, Po-hu; sobriquet Liu-ju) was a native of Suchou, Kiangsu. He had a free, unrestrained, wild manner. In 1448, at the prefectural examinations, he graduated with the highest honors. He studied the painting of Chou Ch’en but greatly surpassed him in skill and fame. T’ang Yin was also noted for his poetry and calligraphy, and he is counted as one of the Four Masters of the Ming dynasty. This handscroll shows sparse trees along the steep bank of a river. Fishermen’s huts, waterside pavilions, and other houses are scattered among hills and maple trees. Skiffs float leisurely, and anglers dangle their feet in the water and amuse themselves with music. Inside pavilions, men kneel for a bout of drinking while others lean on outside balconies, and, further afield, some stroll with their staffs. Axe-cut texture strokes made with a centered-tip brush and moist ink are seen throughout. The brushwork is firm and sharp, and the coloring is bright and attractive.