石渠寶笈三編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁585&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁152-153&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十三冊,頁274-277&* 蕭雲從(西元一五九六-一六七三年),安徽蕪湖人。字尺木,號默思,別號無悶道人,晚稱鍾山老人。明崇禎九年副貢,入清後不仕。精六書、六律、工詩文,善山水,兼長人物,得倪黃筆法,晚年自成一家。生平所畫太平山水圖、離騷圖,好事者鏤板以傳。 樹下一茆屋,屋中一榻,榻上人倚枕托腮而臥。屋外水塘,荷花正開,清風微揚,蘆草荷蓋隨之擺動。通幅用筆如螞蝗蠕動,蓋學宋人馬和之。 本幅選自「臨馬和之陳風圖」第十開。 &* In a thatched hut beneath a tree, someone is napping on a low couch, propped up on one elbow. Outside, a slight breeze blows the reeds and the lotus blossoms on the pond. Executed in wriggling “leech” brushstrokes, that is, in a kind of brushstroke that flows alternately thick and thin, this painting is modeled on the work of the Sung painter Ma Ho-chih (1131-1162). Hsiao Yün-ts’ung, a native of Wu-hu, Anhwei, excelled at landscapes and figure painting. He emulated the brushwork of Ni Tsan (1303?-1374) and Huang Kung-wang (1269-1354) but in his later years developed his own style of painting. His paintings of T’ai-p’ing Mountain and his illustrations of Ch’ü Yüan’s poem Li Sao have been reproduced in engravings. Hsiao was also versed in poetry and prose and studied etymology and musical pitch. In 1636 he attained the rank of Senior Licentiate of the second class, but when the dynasties changed hands in 1644 he did not serve the new Ch’ing regime. &*1.〈清蕭雲從澤陂〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《園林名畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年十月初版),頁78-79。