石渠寶笈續編(乾清宮),第二冊,頁593-594&*故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁150-152&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二十四冊,頁166-169&* 王原祁(西元一六四二-一七一五年),江蘇太倉人,王時敏之孫,字茂京,號麓台。中康熙九年進士,歷官至少司農,他的山水畫得自祖傳,學的仍是元代皇公望淺絳山水一派,卻能摻入明末董其昌的理論和技法,建立一種新的形式,畫法有點近似現代石炭素描畫,先用淺墨勾畫輪廓,再用淡墨、穠墨乾筆交互地層層皴擦,然後以焦墨提醒點破。因此,畫面所畫重山複水、叢林村落,近看墨色渾沌一片,但遠加審視,則山石樹屋遠近虛實,頓見層次分明。&* Wang Yűan-ch’i, tzu (style name) Mao-ching and hao (sobriquet) Lu-t’ai, a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu, was the grandson of the painter Wang Shih-min. He received the chin-shih degree in 1670 and pursued a career as an official which culminated in his appointment as Deputy Minister of Agriculture. He carried on the family tradition of landscape painting, which in turn was based on the tradition of the Yűan master Huang Kung-wang. This he combined with the theories and techniques of the pivotal late Ming scholar-painter Tung Ch’i-ch’ang to form a new style which was extremely influential during the 18th century. His technique to some degree resembles modern charcoal drawing: he first outlined the major forms with light ink and then textured them with several layers of varying ink tones applied with a dry brush. Finally, he would add highlights and emphasis with dark black ink. Thus when looked at close-up, the forms in his paintings dissolve into unintelligible surface textures but become clear when viewed from a distance, so that the mountains, trees, and buildings are clearly visible and are rendered in accurate relations of distance and scale.