石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2143&故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁505&故宮書畫圖錄,第十冊,頁27-28&王時敏(西元一五九二-一六八0年),江蘇太倉人。字遜之,號煙客,自稱西廬老人、西田主人、偶諧道人、歸村老農。詩文書畫俱佳,而於山水特有體會,為清四大家之一。 本幅畫嵐峰煙樹,蒼翠欲滴。王氏作畫多以黃子久為依歸,此幀谿壑布局皆近子久,而巽筆濕墨,自具別裁。色用大綠,和膠稍濃,故多變為焦黃,損色不少。據畫右作者款題,此為王氏八十一歲的作品。&王時敏(1592-1680)字遜之,號煙客,江蘇太倉人,祖父是晚明宰相王錫爵,父親王衡曾為翰林編修。出身世家的王時敏受益於家學,於詩文、書畫造詣皆高。在祖父王錫爵促成下,幼年即就董其昌畫稿習畫,追隨董其昌的繪畫仿古論調。此件〈浮嵐暖翠〉即仿黃公望畫風,渾厚山體、曲折河谷,構圖上與〈九珠峰翠〉相通;右側驟然聳立的平台山體,也常見於黃公望畫中。但山體上清晰輪廓線,更明示著山體的前後推移。中後景主山以留白為雲,消去山腳,形成另一種鑲嵌效果,在實體的山、虛空的雲之對比中,別有衝突動態。而在前中景山間畫出排排樹叢,一方面回應著山脈塊面,另也與河谷中大小石塊,合成律動生氣。此外,透過顏色,如赭色、墨綠等烘染山體,雖說是仿古,已然新立成就。(陳韻如)&王時敏(西元一五九二-一六八0年),江蘇太倉人。字遜之,號煙客,自號西廬老人、西田主人、偶諧道人、歸村老農。資性穎異,淹雅博物,畫為清四大家之一。 王奉常畫,一以黃子九為依歸,四王而後,遂不能越此軌轍。此幅谿壑布局,皆近子九,而巽筆濕墨,自具別裁,色用大綠,和膠稍濃,故多變為焦黃,使損色不少。八十一歲畫。 & Wang Shih-min, was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. As a boy he received instruction from the famous painter and calligrapher Tung Ch’i-ch’ang(1555-1636). He was excellent at copying the works of the old masters, and was especially fond of Huang Kung-wang’s painting. He is known as one of the Four Wangs of the Ch’ing.dynasty. The paintings of Wang Shih-min for the most part are modeled after the landscapes of Huang Kung-wang(1269-1354). He and the other three of the Four Wangs’ understanding of Huang Kung-wang became a guiding principle for the succeeding artists. This painting depicts a river valley setting reminiscent of the compositions of Huang Kung-wang, but as the brushwork is better here, a different tone is captured. Mineral green mixed with rather heavy glue has been used, so that the color has taken on a thick burnt yellow effect. The painting was completed in 1672 when the artist was eighty-one years old.