石渠寶笈續編(重華宮),第三冊,頁1614&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁336&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁217-218&*1.晉介塵,〈「戴進作品展」導讀 — 戴進畫山水〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第209期(2000年8月),頁87-88。 &* 王諤字廷直,浙江奉化人。孝宗弘治(西元一四八八至一五○五)年間,因擅長繪畫,而為仁智殿供奉。孝宗喜歡馬遠的作品,稱讚廷直為「今之馬遠」。 溪山間雲煙瀰漫,蒼松雜木在風雨中搖幌著,枝葉嗖嗖有聲,橋上有訪客正慢步走向溪樓。山石皴紋多用大斧劈,常以深墨一片刷染,強調墨色的變化,運筆迅急強勁,是浙派的典型風味。 &*Crossing a Bridge to Visit a Friend Wang E (fl. 1488-1505) Ming Dynasty Wang E, style name T’ing-chih, was a native of Fenghua in Chekiang Province. Because of his skill as painter, he served in the Jen-chih Hall during the Hung-chih reign (1488-1505). The emperor Hsiao-tsung, who admired the Sung painter Ma Yüan, praised Wang E as the Ma Yüan of the Ming dynasty. This work depicts a cottage near a dense forest and bubbling waterfall. A scholar crosses a bridge, moving towards the cottage in which the host leisurely awaits. The surfaces of the rocks and mountain are textured by broad axe-cut strokes, with additions of dark ink washes, emphasizing the variations of ink tones. This and the application of swift and forceful brushstrokes mark the painting a typical Che school work.