石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁828&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁70&*俞和(西元一三0七-一三八二年),字子中,號紫芝生,暮年稱紫芝老人,浙江杭州人。性沖澹安恬,隱居不仕,能詩,喜書翰。嘗廣臨晉唐諸帖,功力極深。早年得見趙孟頫運筆之法,行草書逼真文敏,每用趙款識,倉卒莫能辨。明桑悅評其書謂「深得松雪筆意,而圭角稍露,比之於松雪,正如獻之之於羲之也。」本幅運筆如寫楷書,但也存有行書的活潑,正有趙字的特徵。&*Yu Ho, a native of Hangchow, lived a quiet life in scholarly retreat and did not serve in office. An able poet, he was also fond of calligraphy and made superb copies of Chin and T'ang writings. As a youth, he viewed the master Chao Meng-fu do calligraphy and Yu was able to emulate his running and cursive scripts. Later collectors signed Chao's name to Yu's works, thus confusing them. Yu's calligraphy was considered as famous as that of his contemporary, Sung K'o. Sung Yuen (1447-1513) wrote that Yu "…had a profound understanding of Chao Meng-fu's use of ink, but his own style was more angular. Yu can be compared to Chao as Wang Hsien-chih to his father, Hsi-chih.&*俞和(西元一三○七-一三八二年),字子中,號紫芝生,暮年稱紫芝老人,浙江杭州人。 能詩,喜書翰,精各體,書風沖澹安恬,如其性。早年曾見趙孟頫運筆之法,明桑悅評其書謂「深得松雪筆意,而圭角稍露。」俞和嘗廣臨晉唐名家碑帖,此臨《定武蘭亭》為其精妙之作,字形與行間位置悉依石刻拓本,不過用筆秀雅挺勁,結體工穩端麗,成於至正二十年(西元一三六○)夏。(20110101)&* Yu He, a native of Hangzhou in Zhejiang, was gifted at poetry and enjoyed calligraphy, practicing various scripts. His style was fluid and serene, like his character. In his early years he witnessed the method of Zhao Mengfu’s brushwork, Ming Sangyue once critiquing Yu’s calligraphy as “thoroughly achieving the brush idea of (Mengfu) with the angles slightly exposed.” Yu He often copied famous works and steles of the Jin and Tang dynasties, this being a masterful one of the Dingwu Orchid Pavilion Preface. The character forms and line spacing correspond entirely to the rubbing of the stone carving. However, the brushwork is more elegant and upright, the characters steady and comely as well. This work was done in the summer of 1360.(20110101)