石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁474&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁52&* 元人髙翼(生卒年不詳),字茂之,南陽人,官至嘉興路推官。 本冊以小楷寫北宋理學家周敦頤(一0一七-一0七三)所著《通書》,整體結字尚稱整飭,風範從晉宋規矩中來,然略少韻味。書成於至元三年(一三三七)。本件第一開右下方寫有千字文編號第三九五「志字號」等字,乃項元汴天籟閣舊藏。 &* Gao Yi (style name Maozhi) was a native of Nanyang and Judge of the Jiaxing Circuit. Statutes of Calligraphy History mentions that he also did “regular, running, and cursive script all with methods of the Jin and Song.” This album is a transcription in small regular script of a text by the Neo-Confucian philosopher Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073). Calligraphed later in 1337, Gao Yi’s characters are even and straight, modeled after the rules of calligraphy in the Jin and Song dynasties, but they are slightly lacking in manner. In the lower right of the first leaf of the work is the accession character “zhi 志,” the 395th in the “Thousand Character Classic.” This indicates that the work was in the great Ming collection of Xiang Yuanbian’s Hall of Heavenly Sounds.