石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁1131&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁83&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁337-338&* 謝時臣(西元一四八八-一五四八年),吳人。字思忠,號樗仙。善山水,得沈周法。尤善於畫水,江潮湖海,種種皆妙。能作屏障大幅,有氣慨而無絲理之病。 豳,一作邠,國名。在岐山之北,原隰之野,周先世公劉立國於此。成王立,周公攝政。作豳風七月之詩一篇,述后稷公劉政教之始。述其政教之中,則為豳雅。述其政教之成,則為豳頌,以戒成王。 &* Hsieh Shih-ch’en (style name Ssu-chung, Sobriquet Shu-hsien) was a native of Soochow. A good landscape painter in the style of Shen Chou (1427-1509), he excelled at renderings of water, streams, lakes, tides and seas, and other large scale compositions with vigor and coherence. Pin was the name of the state out of which developed the great Western Chou dynasty (ca. 1030 - 771 B.C.). When Duke of Chou was acting as chief adviser to his brothers, after the founding of the full-fledged dynasty, he composed the ‘Odes of Pin to celebrate the origins and virtues of the ruling house.