故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁71&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁243-244&*江村一角,山雨驟來,行旅、漁夫、牧童猶不及走避。雨來時,大地一片濕潤,畫家寫雨,亦多用水分充沛之濕墨,以呈其淋漓之狀。本幅山石畫法,均以濃淡墨交相融合,以顯雨灑大地,水分處處淹留。畫樹則隨風俯揚,極具動感。為表現風雨乍到,運筆亦顯暢達快然,使觀賞者心緒隨之起動。畫無款印,風格較近於晚明浙派之流。&*To the left is a village where travelers, fishermen, and herdboys have been unable to seek shelter in time to escape from an unexpected shower. As wind and rain begin, the ground becomes dark and wet with water. Artists portraying rain often utilized watery ink to describe the sodden, rain-drenched landscape. Here, mountains and rocks are depicted with appropriate light and dark ink to represent rain falling everywhere. Even the trees sway in the wind to add a further credibility to the drizzly scene. The painter effectively employed quick strokes to convey surprise at the sudden shower. This work bears neither signature nor seal of the artist, but the style is close to the Che School tradition in the late Ming dynasty (1368-1644).