石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁2016&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁84&*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁189-190&* 孫克弘(西元一五三二至一六一○年),字允執,號雪居,江蘇華亭人。少時以父廕授應天府治中,擢漢陽太守,後無意仕進,於東郊故居修築精舍,環列鼎彝金石書畫期間。山水、花鳥、蘭竹俱佳,晚年專意於梅竹。 此圖為端陽應景之作,已沒骨法寫菖蒲、石榴、蜀葵等當令花草,用色雅淡,為克弘寫生佳作。 &* Sun K’o-hung, style name Yün-chih, sobriquet Hsüeh-chü,was a native of Hua-t’ing, Kiangsu. He served for a time as an official, but lost interest and returned home, where he occupied himself with his collection of paintings and antiquities. His paintings of landscapes, flowers and birds, and orchid and bamboo are all excellent. In his later years, he specialized in paintings of plum blossom and bamboo. In this painting, the artist used the “boneless” method to depict three plants associated with the Dragon Boat Festival: pomegranate, calamus, and hollyhock. This painting is an example of Sun’s realistic works.