石渠寶笈續編(御書房),第四冊,頁2025&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁90&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁325-326&* 牧童披頭散髮,坐在地上,對著匍伏在地的水牛,若有所言,畫中人物用筆筒捷而有力。牛身上毛被筆乾擦來表現。一童一牛,兩情相牽,題詩佔去畫幅之半,為書畫合一,文人畫表現方式。 原書籤題明人。據畫中題字,知為白下(今南京)人所畫,鈐印為「屢空道人」,生世待考。 &* A young cowherd with dissheveled hair sits cross-legged. Facing him, laying on the ground, is a water buffalo seemingly wishing to talk. The figure is painted simply but with force. A worm brush with dry rubbed ink was used to depict the buffalo’s body and hair. Cowherd and beast share a special communication. A poem inscribed on the painting unites poetry and calligraphy with the painting in an expressive format typical of literati painting. The original title slip of the painting simply calls it an anonymous Ming work, but according to the inscription on the painting we know that the painter was from Nanking. The seal reads Lü k’ung tao-jen, but the owner has not yet been identified.