石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁1951&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁82&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁223-224&* 此幅以淡墨畫折枝茉莉一株,枝幹由下往上伸張,枝柯花葉向左右斜分略成放射狀,墨色層次細膩而微妙。茉莉構圖約佔畫面三分之二,上端則為陳淳親筆行草詩文。比起他的設色花卉,此畫用筆明顯簡率樸實,勾花點葉全以書法入畫,草草似不經意,而能得其生動自然的意趣。水墨畫於淡黃褐色的藏經紙上,襯托畫面更呈柔和之感。畫成於辛丑(一五四一)年,是年陳淳五十九歲。(20100105)&* This work depicts a broken branch of jasmine blossoms in light monochrome ink. The stem from bottom to top has branches with flowers and leaves radiating left and right. The layers of ink are fine and marvelous. The upper part of the composition is filled with characters by Chen Chun in semi-cursive script. Compared with his paintings of flowers in color, the brushwork here is obviously simple and straightforward. The outlining of the blossoms and leaves employs calligraphic methods in a very cursive manner that looks almost careless but still conveys the idea of the subject’s naturalness and liveliness. This ink painting on light yellowish-ochre sutra paper brings out the subject’s softness. This work was done in 1541 at the Chinese age of 59.(20100105)