石渠寶笈續編(養心殿),第二冊,頁913&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁6&*故宮書畫圖錄,第一冊,頁17-18&*李昭道(約六七0至七三0年),唐宗室,李思訓之子。官至太原府倉曹,直集賢院。畫山水能發揚家學,與父齊名,號小李將軍。作品構圖繁巧,雲水樹石,喜用細筆勾畫輪廓,然後填染赭石、石青、石綠,甚或於其上加添泥金勾勒,即如本幅者,特饒富麗堂皇之感。後世學習其畫法者極多,稱為青綠或北宗山水。&*Li Chao-tao was a member of the T'ang royal family, being a son of Li Ssu-hsün. He served as Granary Intendant of T'ai-yüan, and was later a member of the Chi-hsien Academy. He continued his father's tradition of landscape painting and achieved equal fame, earning him the nickname "Younger General Li". The compositions of Li's works are intricate, combining clouds, streams, trees, and rocks. Outlines were executed with a fine brush and then filled in with mineral pigments. Some of the works, such as the present one, were touched with "splashed gold" giving a feeling of great richness to the painting. The Li family style of "blue-green" landscape was commonly practiced by later painters. Their tradition is considered the founding of the Northern School of landscape painting.