故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁42&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十八冊,頁353-360&*本幅圖寫司馬相如上林賦意,卷末並附有署文徵明款之隸書全文。相如此賦乃為獻漢武帝而作,以華美靡麗之詞句,鋪陳頌揚皇家園囿上林苑之堂皇富麗,與天子射獵場面之壯闊偉盛。畫中極力描繪各種水陸神獸、奇花異卉,宮殿巍聳,人馬迤逶,以見天子聲威之浩大。人馬樹石造型精謹,用筆工細,設色濃豔亮麗,與贍麗之賦文相輝映。此類工筆重設色青綠山水常被標為仇英作品,但應為後人所偽託。&* This painting is an interpretation of the “Ode on the Shang-lin Imperial Park” by Ssu-ma Hsiang-ju. At the end is the complete text in clerical script with the signature of Wen Cheng-ming. The ode was written by Hsiang-ju for Emperor Wu-ti. Using an ornate verse form, it praises the beautiful and grand Shang-lin park as well as the majesty of the emperor hunting. A number of mystical animals, rare and exotic flowers and plants, tall palatial buildings, and figures and horses appear in this work to complement the imperial presence. All the forms are exact and detailed. The coloring is also opulent, forming a perfect complement to the descriptions in the Ode. This style is often attributed to Ch’iu Ying, but this particular work was done by a later hand.