故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁42&*故宮書畫圖錄,第十八冊,頁403-408&* 仇英(約一四九四-一五五二),字實父,號十洲,江蘇太倉人。年青時曾為漆工,後遇周臣,經其指授,漸有名於藝壇。工畫山水、人物,兼善花卉、鳥獸、傳世蕃馬之作,亦復不少。 長卷的欣賞,自前至後,如觀戲劇,一幕一幕,領略情節的順序發展。「歸去來辭」,依文中內容,宜於用長卷的形式來表達。以陶淵明為主角,一次一次的重覆出現在畫面上,敍述陶氏的田園生涯。本卷青綠設色,艷麗奪目,惟無仇英之精美清雅。 &* This long handscroll "reads" like a play, where the plot develops scene by scene in an orderly progression. The poem Returning Home is suited to the handscroll format as it allows the verse’s images to be illustrated consecutively. Here T’ao Yüan-ming appears repeatedly as the main character in every scene of this visual narration, which records his return to an idyllic rural existence. This handscroll is noteworthy for its fine blue and green coloring, but the hues lack the delicate grace characteristic of Ch’iu Ying’s works. Ch’iu Ying (whose style-name was Shih-fu and sobriquet, Shih-chou) was a native of T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. In his youth he worked as a lacquer artisan and then gained fame as an artist under the tutelage of Chou Ch’en (fl. 1500-1535). Ch’iu excelled at many genres of painting: landscapes, figures, flowers, birds and animals, and foreigners and horses. &*1.王耀庭,〈明仇英畫淵明歸去來辭 卷〉,收入王耀庭編,《淵明逸致特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1988年初版),頁99-100。