秘殿珠林三編(乾清宮),頁72&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁79&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁37-38 &*「維摩」又稱「維摩詰」,是梵文音譯,本是妙喜國不動如來世界的菩薩,為化度眾生變為一位長者,來到釋迦牟尼佛治理的婆娑世界之毘耶離城。他精通大乘佛教哲理,辯才無礙;既明瞭眾生心之所趣,能辨眾人資質之慧鈍,並深入一般人出入之地講論佛法。 畫中維摩端坐磐石說法。信徒環繞,不分男女老幼、貧富貴賤。畫傳唐寅作,應為明代職業畫家所為。雖未若唐寅作品精謹,全幅仍清雅活潑。(20091016)&* Vimalakirti was a bodhisattva from Abhirati in the Tathagata Akshobhya realm who manifested as an elder to save sentient beings, coming to Vaisali in the Saha Realm ruled by Shakyamuni Buddha. He was versed in the teachings of Mahayana Buddhism and extremely eloquent. Understanding the mind of common folk, he could differentiate their intelligence and thus explain the teachings for them to understand. Here Vimalakirti is sitting on a rock explaining the Buddhist teachings. Disciples surround him, including men and women, old and young, and rich and poor alike. This work is said to be by Tang Yin, but is probably by a Ming professional painter instead. Though not as refined as a Tang Yin painting, it is still pure and elegantly animated.(20091016)