秘殿珠林續編(乾清宮),頁213&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁90&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁327-328&*文殊為文殊師利略稱。又名曼殊師利菩薩。以妙吉祥、妙德為名,其義為萬德圓明。 文殊與普賢同為釋迦牟尼佛的脅侍菩薩,文殊駕獅子於左,以司智慧;普賢乘白象在右,以司理德;左智右理,表示理智通融之義。 本幅畫一僧人,以獅子為座騎,藏品原名雖為觀音,當是文殊菩薩。與後幅之普賢,原為對幅。 &*本幅無作者款名,畫一僧人,以獅子為座騎。名雖為觀音,當是文殊。 文殊為文殊師利略稱。又名曼殊師利菩薩。以妙吉祥、妙德為名,其義為萬德圓明。又稱法王子,以大智慧開展演說釋迦法王所說之法,如承子業,故名。 文殊與普賢同為釋迦牟尼佛的脅侍菩薩,文殊駕獅子於左,以司智慧;普賢乘白象在右,以司理德;左智右理,表示理智通融之義。&*This work, bearing no seal or signature of the artist, shows a monk sitting on a lion. Although the title identifies him as Kuan-yin, the Bodhisattva of Mercy, it actually represents Mañjušrî, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom. Mañjušrî stands for universal virtue and all-encompassing wisdom. Also known as the Prince of Buddhism, he used his wisdom to explain the teachings of the Buddha and therefore was able to achieve his lofty state of being. Mañjušrî and Samantabhadra are the attendant bodhisattvas of the Buddha. Mañjušrî rides a lion to the left and represents wisdom. Samantabhadra rides a white elephant to the right and represents reason. Thus, they reflect the fusion of wisdom and reason.