石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2128&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁91&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁347-348&*本幅無作者款印,畫鍾馗身著烏帽藍袍,配劍執笏,右手高舉,作擊磬狀。旁有童子捧瓶侍立,瓶中插如意一,其上懸掛玉罄。畫名「吉慶」,即取與「擊磬」同音。 此作運線豪邁粗獷,洵非執筆落墨所可企及,故應為一以指代筆之「指頭繪畫」。按,「指頭畫派」的創始者為高其佩(一六六○–一七三四),史載:「(高氏)每歲重午畫硃砂鍾馗像,則用礬紙,紙盡而有餘興,或權用生紙足之,然生紙行硃頗不易易,故亦偶然。」據此推斷,「吉慶圖」縱非高氏親筆,亦應出自其後學之手。&*本幅無作者款印,畫鍾馗身著烏帽藍袍,配劍執笏,右手高舉,作擊磬狀。旁有童子捧瓶侍立,瓶中插如意一,其上懸掛玉磬。畫名「吉慶」,即取與「擊磬」同音。 鍾馗的造形,除了身材壯碩外,表現在這幅畫上的豪邁粗獷,臉上的鬍鬚飛揚、手足舞蹈,真是動態十足的氣勢。從畫上的線條形態,看來是一幅水準高超,用手指頭畫出來的,而不是毛筆畫的。&*This work has neither seal nor signature of the artist. Chung K'uei wears a dark cap and a light blue robe with a sword and official tablet at his side. He raises his right hand in exclamation. Below is a bat painted in red as an attendant carries a vase with a stalk of spirit fungus, from which is slung a jade chime. The binome for "striking a chime (chi-ch'ing 擊磬)" is a homonym for "auspicious celebration (chi-ch’ing 吉慶)," hence the title of this painting. The form of Chung K'uei, in addition to his stout body, expresses an energy and boldness that is echoed by the rapid, coarse brush strokes. He is shown racing forward in a lively manner. The lines appear quite lofty, looking more like they were rendered with a fingernail than with a brush.&*1.劉芳如,〈傳明人吉慶圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《迎歲集福 — 院藏鍾馗名畫特展》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1997年二月初版一刷),頁147-149。 2.本社,〈明人吉慶圖〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第75期(1989年6月),頁1。 3.劉芳如,〈迎歲集福 — 院藏鍾馗名畫特展〉,《故宮文物月刊》,第167期(1997年2月),頁106。