石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第五冊,頁2106&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁88&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁3-4&* 張宏字君度,號鶴澗,江蘇吳縣人。生於萬曆八年(西元一五八0),逝世的時候已八十多歲。擅長山水、人物。筆意古拙,墨法濕潤。 端午時節,龍船競游,牧童也趕來觀看熱鬧。這張畫的主題是龍船,畫中的牛屬於點景,安排在左下方。簡單句勒填墨而已。張宏畫每多寫生,這也是一幅當年的景色,看來頗為親切動人。 &* Chang Hung was skilled at both landscape and figure paintings. It is Tuan-wu Festival and the dragon boats are racing for first place. The herdboys have also come to watch the festivities. The dragon boats compose the main subject of this painting, and the oxen fulfill a supplementary role, arranged along the lower left part of the composition. They are sketched in simply outlines and touches of ink. Many of Chang Hung’s paintings are depictions of live objects and real scenes. This painting seems to show a genuine place and event in the particular year it was painted. For this reason, there is a sense of warm intimacy to it. &* 張宏(西元一五九七年-?)字君度,號鶴間,吳郡(今江蘇蘇州)人。工山水,吳中學者尊崇之。筆意古拙,墨法濕潤。人物亦所擅長,康熙七年(一六八八)年九十二,猶在人世。 本幅畫端陽節龍舟競渡。三艘龍船,往來於河上。河堤廣場,地方主管官員,駕臨觀賞。民衆亦於四方圍觀。畫成於戊子(西元一六四八年),作者年五十二歲。張宏畫風多取材於目見,此幅構景,宛如眼前所得,可謂為當時年節留下之影像。 &* Chang Hung (style name Chün-tu, sobriquet Ho-chien) was a native of Wu, Kiangsu province. He was skilled in painting landscapes, and was highly respected by the literati there. Chang Hung’s brushwork was antique and unstudied, his use of ink rich and moist; he was also noted for his realistic portrayal of human figures. Chang was known to be still alive in 1688, when he was 92 years old. In this work, dragon-boat races honoring the Tuan-yang Festival are depicted. Three vessels speed in stiff competition on the river. On the wide embankment, the superintendent and officials honor the event with their presence, as they also observe and enjoy the proceedings, and crowds eagerly look on from all around. Chang Hung’s habit was often to select materials and seek inspiration from sights that he actually saw. This scene was portrayed as though it were taking place before his very eyes, and thus may be said to represent a slice of life from that era. It was completed in 1648 when the artist was 52 years of age.