石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁2018&*故宮書畫錄(卷八),第四冊,頁84&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁133-134&* 關思字何思,號虛白,烏程(浙江吳興)人。萬曆年間(一五七三-一六二0)名重海內,與宋旭齊名,善畫山水。 本幅特意摒棄用墨,全以赭、朱、黃、青、綠等顏色,直接染點,描繪出秋天山樹之綺麗,配以白雲,使色調更為鮮明。這種畫法饒有追仿唐人沒骨法的意趣。 &* In this splendid autumn landscape of mountains and trees, Kuan Ssu has eschewed ink in favor of colors--umber, vermilion, yellow, blue-green, and so on--applying them directly in washes. The white clouds complement the colors, making their tones appear even brighter. Stylistically this work follows the T’ang “boneless,” or unoutlined, method of painting. Kuan Ssu (whose style-name was Ho-ssu and sobriquet, Empty White) was from Wu-ch’eng (present-day Wu-hsing, Chekiang). His name became a household word even in his own time; he was as famous as Sung Hsü. Kuan was noted especially for his landscape paintings.