故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁217&*石渠寶笈三編(圓明園清暉閣),第八冊,頁3650&*設色畫。寫高山之巔,行旅結隊行於壁下。雲腳擁山,景物高曠。無款,舊題蕭照作。故宮所藏集古名繪冊中之一開,著錄見石渠寶笈三編三六五○頁,今載故宮書畫錄卷六•二一八。&*In a landscape of mountain peaks, travelers progress in single file along the base of a cliff. We see the peaks emerging above the clouds, which lends a lofty, remote feeling to the scene. The painting is not signed but is attributed to Hsiao Chao in the label. It is leaf in the album Chi-Ku ming-hui.