故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁337&*故宮書畫圖錄,第七冊,頁219-220&*1.〈明王諤瑞雪凝冬〉,收入陳階晉、賴毓芝主編,《追索浙派》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,2008年初版一刷),頁180-181。 &*王諤,字廷直,奉化人。孝宗弘治(西元一四八八-一五○五年)間,因擅長繪畫,而為仁智殿供奉。孝宗特喜馬遠畫作,稱讚他為「今之馬遠」。 本幅畫崇山峻嶺,白雪皚皚,山徑間行旅三人,踏雪而歸。近景屋舍以界畫出之,遠處則見一舟行於江深水寒中。山徑、屋頂、遠山皆留出大量空白,以示厚雪覆蓋,通幅用筆粗細有緻,饒有雪天山林韻意。 &*Wang E was a native of Chekiang who specialized in painting and was summoned to serve in the Jen-chih Hall during the Hung-chih reign (1488-1505). Since Emperor Hsiao-tsung greatly appreciated the style of Ma Yüan of the Southern Sung, he praised Wang E as the “Ma Yüan of the Ming.” Here, a white shod of snow covers the mountains and hills. In the middleground, three travelers make their way on a path. The buildings in the foreground are painted using the "ruled-line"technique, while two boats make sail in the distance on the lake. Much of the painting is left blank to indicate snow, and the rest is washed in ink. The great contrast between coarse and fine brushwork suggests contrast between snow and other motifs.