故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁179-180&*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁213-214&*朱德潤(西元一二九四—一三六五年),河南商丘人。字澤民,山水學自郭熙。 這幅畫沒有作者款印。畫中描繪老樹,枝枒崢嶸,坡石與澗水錯綜疊列。秋原上,一人騎馬,後有僕役隨行,遠方樓閣中,有兩人眺望於高台上。雲泉深處,叢林寺宇隱約可見。山石的表現染多於皴,樹梢的筆法類似蟹爪,畫風略有郭熙的遺意。董其昌認為有元人韻味,鑑定為朱德潤的作品。&*Chu Te-jun, whose style name was Tse-min, is a native of Shan-chiu, Honan. In his landscapes, he followed Kuo Hsi (ca.1020-ca.1090). Also known for his figure paintings, he was said to have captured the antique style. A stream rushes below an old tree frost-bitten by autumn. A man on horseback with a servant moves across the landscape, while clumps of trees and clouds fill out the scene. In a distant pavilion, two figures appear to be enjoying the view. Deep in the glen, temples are discernible amid trees. In the depiction of mountain rocks, wash is employed instead of texture trokes, and "crab leg" brush strokes are used to line the tree tops. The painting has the style of Kuo Hsi. The landscape is not signed, but Tung Ch'i-ch'ang (1555-1636) has made the attribution.