石渠寶笈續編(寧壽宮),第五冊,頁2775 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁220-221 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁313-314&*倪瓚字元鎮,號雲林,江蘇無鍚人,生於元成宗大德五年(西元一三 0 一),死於明太祖洪武七年(西元一三七四)。他的人品清廉,有特別好潔的怪癖。家裹相當富有,但他對於金錢非常淡泊,不喜歡理財。晚年甚至把家產分送親友,然後駕著小船和鄉野的漁夫隱士往來。 雲林的山水具有特殊的風格,構圖常作一河兩岸的取景,畫中樹石的安排都很簡單,而且畫面很少塗抹顏色,有著簡樸、天真淡雅的韻味。&*Ni Tsan (tzu Yüan-chen, hao Yün-lin) came from Wu-hsi in Kiangsu province. He was known for his pure and honest disposition and for his fastidious cleanliness. His family was quite well-off, but Ni Tsan was totally indifferent to money and did not like to deal with financial matters. In his late years he distributed the family possesions among friends and relatives and lived as a retired scholar on small boat among the fishermen of rural Kiangsu. Ni Tsan's landscapes are characterized by a strongly individual style. The compositions usually contain a river, a distant peak, and a few trees and rocks in a very simple arrangement. Moreover, there are few variations in ink tone, and the total effect is one of simplicity, sincerity, and a natural blandness and refinement.