石渠寶笈初編(重華宮),下冊,頁796 &*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁196-197 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第四冊,頁127-128&*曹知白(西元一二七二—一三五五年),華亭(今江蘇上海)人。字又玄,號雲西。至元(一三三五—一三四○年)間,為崑山教諭。善畫山水,師法郭熙。 水墨畫虯松雙株並立於前,樹枝往下伸張如蟹爪狀,是典型李郭派畫法。茅屋層基而起,流水下瀉於旁,淙淙有聲,窗間有人仰諦,鶴步松陰,一派閑散之意。全圖之山石樹木,用墨濃淡相間,飾以苔點,疏林深秀,天真平淡。&*Ts'ao Chih-po (style name Yu—hsüan; sobriquet Yün-hsi) was a native of Hua-t'ing (modern Shanghai, Kiangsu). During the Chih-yüan era (1335-1340), he served as an official instructor in K'un-shan. He excelled at landscape painting in which he emulated the style of Kuo Hsi (ca. 1001-ca. 1090). Two twist pine trees stand in the foreground with their branches groping downward like crab claws in a style typical of the painting style of the Li Ch'eng (919-967) and Kuo Hsi tradition. A thatched hut stands on a high platform, and water flows down on one side with almost audible gurgling. By the window of the hut is a figure gazing up attentively. A crane walks leisurely among pines. The mountain rocks and trees are all depicted with contrasting dark and light ink with moss dots added for emphasis. The thin, sparse trees create the setting of quietude in a deep mountain, full of natural simplicity.