石渠寶笈初編(養心殿),上冊,頁645&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁213&*故宮書畫圖錄,第五冊,頁3-4&*1.蔣復璁,〈王蒙秋林萬壑圖〉,收入國立故宮博物院編,《元四大家》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1975年初版,1976年二版,1984年三版),頁69。 &*王蒙(西元一三0八-一三八五年),吳興(浙江湖州)人。字叔明,號黃鶴山樵,趙孟頫外孫。畫風以王維、董、巨為宗,但能自立面目,為元四大家之一。 此圖繪一溪兩岸,林木相錯,遠近之間,極得掩映之妙。背山綿延遠去,林間屋宇相銜,有一種山林森爽之氣。通幅筆墨設色雅淡,靜穆之中,覺其古厚而明淨。畫幅右下有千字文第四八二「藁」字編號,原為項元汴收藏。 &*Wang Meng, native to Wuxing (modern Huzhou, Zhejiang), was a grandson of Zhao Mengfu. His painting style followed those of Dong Yuan and Juran, but he developed his own to become one of the Four Yuan Masters. This work depicts a landscape divided by a river filled with numerous trees for marvelous scenery both near and far. Background mountains snake into the distance with scattered buildings to create a pleasing mountain forest scene. The brushwork and coloring are elegant and light, an archaic solidness and bright clarity emerging from the solitude. In the lower right is the 482nd character (gao 藁) from the “Thousand Character Classic,” used to accession Xiang Yuanbian’s collection, indicating that the work once belonged to him.