故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁217&*石渠寶笈三編(圓明園清暉閣),第八冊,頁3650&*朱銳(活動於十二世紀前半),河北人,北宋宣和及南宋紹興年間為畫院畫家。工畫人物、山水。 北宋時從江南運糧到京城及邊防重地是國家大事,經路陸的,是以牛或騾車,盤山而行,所以稱為「盤車」。沿途跋山涉水,十分艱苦,遇嚴寒積雪的冬日尤甚。本幅即描繪盤車隊伍雪中運補的情景,構圖嚴密,刻劃入微,小品而有大幅氣勢,極為動人。選自「集古名繪冊」。 &*Chu Jui, a native of Hopeh province, serviced as a court artist in the late Northern Sung and early Southern Sung. He painted figures and landscapes. In the Northern Sung, transporting food and material from the south to the capital and the frontier was a matter of national importance. It was achieved with carts driven by oxen and donkeys. Circling through the mountains, they were called "winding carts." Crossing mountains and rivers, the trip was arduous and made even more difficult during the snowy winter. This work represents such a "winding" convoy making its way through snowy mountains. The small composition compresses much as well as shows the difficulty of travel. This is from Album of Collected Ancient Famous Paintings. &*1.林莉娜,〈宋朱銳雪澗盤車〉,收入林莉娜、張華芝編,《冬景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1989年元月初版),頁58-59。