故宮書畫錄(卷六),第四冊,頁217&*石渠寶笈三編(圓明園清暉閣),第八冊,頁3650&*燕文貴(西元九六七至一○六六),浙江吳興人。原隸軍中,太宗朝退伍,在京師(河南開封)隨郝惠學書,被畫院待詔高益發掘,薦入朝廷,補圖畫院祇候。善畫山水、人物、舟車,尤善於畫四季景物,清雅可愛,號為「燕家景」。 這幅畫是團扇形式,畫迴溪幽谷,寒林水閣,扁舟上,一雅士乘興訪友,全畫著墨不多,卻在尺幅間呈現了幽渺曠遠的情境。&*Yen Wen-kuei came from the Wu-hsing district of Chekiang. During the reign of Emperor T'ai-tsung (976-998), he was discharged from Military service and started to learn painting under Hao Huei. His abilities were noticed by the academician Kao I, who introduced him at court, after which Yen was appointed an attendant in the Painting Academy. He was a capable landscapist, and also painted figures, animals, boats and vehicles, but was particularly skilled in subjects of the four seasons. His style is refined, delicate and charming, and he became nicknamed "Master Yen the Landscapist". This scene was painted in the form of a circular fan. The rendition is of a winding stream in a secluded valley, with frozen trees and a pavilion by the water. A scholar is travelling by small boat to visit a friend. The entire work was completed with the use of minimal ink, yet within its limited dimensions is a misty and tranquil scene of surprising depth and vastness.&*1.林莉娜,〈宋燕文貴雪溪乘興〉,收入林莉娜、張華芝編,《冬景山水畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1989年元月初版),頁55-56。