故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁503&*故宮書畫圖錄,第九冊,頁311-312&*一對喜鵲棲於松梢,張喙相向,作和鳴狀。奇石位於畫幅中央,間有繁花盛開,旁見靈芝數株迎上伸展。右下溪水潺潺,岸傍蘭、竹並茂。 本幅無作者款印,松、竹、梅為歲寒三友,靈芝象徵祥瑞,二喜鵲相對和鳴意寓雙喜,畫家特意集結各種吉慶題材構成一圖,雖有勉強之處,整幅畫面充滿吉祥喜瑞之氣氛。&*In this painting is depicted a pair of magpies perched on the branch of a pine tree calling out to each other. An ornamental rock rises into the middle of this painting filled with grasses, flowers, and leaves. Several sprigs of "spirit fungi" are at the base of the rocks. In the lower right corner flows a stream, next to which grow orchids and bamboo. This work has neither seal nor signature of the artist. In terms of subject matter, the pine, bamboo, and plum blossom are traditionally known as "The Three Friends of Winter." Spirit fungus is also an auspicious sign of long life and a pair of magpies shown together is a traditional metaphor for conjugal bliss. The first character in the Chinese binome for magpie (hsi-ch’iao 喜鵲) is the same as that for happiness (hsi喜). A pair of magpies has become a symbol for marital harmony, hence the title of this painting. The artist here has consciously combined many congratulatory and auspicious subjects into one composition. Though perhaps somewhat cramped, an active and auspicious atmosphere permeates the entire painting.