故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁309&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁335-336&* 林良,廣東南海人,字以善。約活動於景泰、天順、成化(西元一四五○至一四八七年)年間。曾供奉內廷,直仁智殿,官錦衣百戶。工畫花鳥,特長以水墨作畫,將草書的筆意融入畫中。 本幅畫兩隻斑鳩,停棲在竹叢上。畫鳥用粗筆寫意,畫竹用墨竹法,筆意瀟灑,氣勢磅礡。 &*Peace and Double Happiness Lin Liang (fl. 1457-1463) Ming Dynasty Lin Liang (style name I-shan) was a native of Nan-hai in Kwangtung. He was active during the T’ien-shun and Ch’eng-hua periods (1450-1487) as a Court painter. Lin served as the overseer of one hundred Imperial bodyguards. He is best known for his monochrome paintings of birds and flowers, in which he also skillfully incorporated the technique of cursive calligraphy. Two ringdoves have alighted on a clump of bamboo in this painting. They were rendered with broad brush strokes in a hsieh-yi style (expressing an idea). The bamboos were done in the “ink bamboo” method. Although swiftly and sparingly executed, this representation is boldly elegant.