石渠寶笈三編﹝延春閣﹞,第四冊,頁1757&*故宮書畫錄﹝卷五﹞,第三冊,頁298&*故宮書畫圖錄,第六冊,頁165-166&*商喜(西元十五世紀),字惟吉,山東濮陽人,生卒年不詳。山水人物花鳥全摹宋人筆意,無不臻妙。 本幅畫山茶、梅花、水仙、芝草傍拳石而生。黃芝、粉茶、白梅、朱草、青石,色彩繽紛,為歲朝花卉中,別具一格之作。 &* Shang Hsi was a native of P’u-yang, Shantung province. His tzu (style name) was Wei-chi and was active in the mid 15th century. He excelled in figure, landscape, flower and bird paintings and imitated successfully the brushwork of the Sung masters. This painting depicts New Year flowers and plants such as the plum blossom, camellia, narcissus and fungus. Red, pink, green and orange colors are harmoniously applied to these plants which compose a colorful yet elegant picture.