石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第四冊,頁2024&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁443-444 &*故宮書畫圖錄,第八冊,頁259-260&*1.〈明尤求西園雅集〉,收入國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編,《園林名畫特展圖錄》(臺北:國立故宮博物院,1987年十月初版),頁83。 &*尤求(約西元十六世紀),字子求,號鳳丘。長洲(江蘇蘇州)人,移居太倉。工寫山水,兼人物,學劉松年、錢選,而精妙不及。 此為一水墨工細之作,記述宋代蘇軾、黃庭堅、米芾、秦觀、晁旡咎、王詵諸人集於西園。雅士高僧,盛會一時,米芾並因而作記。幅上立於石壁前,振筆欲題者,即是米芾將記下此千古佳話之寫照。 &*This carefully detailed ink painting depicts a famous literary gathering that was held in the Western Garden of Wang Shen (ca. 1048-ca. 1103), a noted Sung dynasty literati. Included among the guests are such celebrated talents as the man of letters Su Shih (1037-1101), the calligrapher and connoisseur Huang T’ing-chien (1045-1105), the painter Mi Fu (1052-1107), the poet and calligrapher Ch'in Kuan (1049-1100), and the poet Ch'ao Pu-chih (1053-1110). Mi Fu, who also made a written record of this gathering, is pictured here in the very act of doing so: he stands before a natural rock stele, hurriedly scribbling a colophon that would become a lasting memorial to this occasion. Yu Ch'iu, a native of Ch'ang-chou (present-day Soochow, Kiangsu), later moved to T'ai-ts'ang, Kiangsu. He excelled at landscapes and paintings of human figures. In the latter genre he emulated--but did not equal--the works of Liu Sung-nien (fl. ca. 1190) and Ch'ien Hsüan (b. 1225).